FutureVault Inc.




The objective of this project was to optimize the checklist functionality for financial advisors, enabling them to efficiently set up task lists for their clients. A critical challenge was the limited visibility of checklist items, as each task occupied a substantial portion of the page, preventing advisors from viewing multiple items simultaneously. Additionally, the lack of a simultaneous view hindered the seamless addition of new checklist items while maintaining visibility of existing ones.


To optimize checklist management for financial advisors, a solution was implemented by adopting a gallery format. This format allowed easy rearrangement of items, providing a comprehensive view of the majority of the checklist simultaneously. The addition of a modal for “add new checklist item” enabled advisors to view the entire checklist at once while seamlessly incorporating new items. These enhancements streamlined workflow and improved productivity for financial advisors.

Document Distribution

The development of this feature is to be able to transfer documents from the advisor to the clients. This page was created from scratch, with attention to the feedback of the advisors and the requirements of the client. I prototyped over 15 pages and modals to effectively communicate the page’s purpose and functionality. Currently in the production phase.

Website Assets

Utilizing Figma and Adobe Illustrator, I created a series of several website assets when developing webpage, overall making it more appealing and modern for consumers, helping it stand out in itsĀ  market.